Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trip to Angel Falls - Venezuela

I just experienced the most fabulous and exciting adventure; I recently traveled to Venezuela to Canaima National Park. The trip was with  Paul Stanley's Angel-Eco tours  and Karen Angel of the Jimmie Angel Historical Projects as a tribute to James “Jimmie” Crawford Angel (1899-1956), who found the most spectacular water falls while he was on a solo flight November 18, 1933 into Churun Canyon known as Devil’s Canyon on the north side of Auyántepui (Devil House); here to his amazement he found what is now recognized to those who have ventured into the Venezuelan jungle to witness the astonishing Angel Falls. The  worlds longest dropping waterfall (3,212 feet/979 meters) - exquisite rushing water that at times it appears there are twin waterfalls or additional waterfalls, just gliding down over the most magnificent canyon wall.  When the water isn’t overflowing from the previous evening’s rainfall, there is a water-hole for swimming at the second tier.

Every moment from morning through to evening it’s a photo opportunity to see this grand falls. Early morning the mist hovers above painting puffy cloud formations above the top until around three in the afternoon when the clouds eventually drift into a crystal clear blue sky allowing the falls to once again to be seen, but during the mist of morning you want to capture the morsels of intricacy touching what appears to be the essence of the canyon reaching into heaven on earth.  It rains during the evening almost until dusk, and hence clouds form, and when the clouds move and you again see this magnificent tower of powerful strength you just want to keep photographing as every instant the light changes you capture a different wondrous perspective of Angel Falls.  

Arriving there by canoe with Pemón guides and Mr. Paul StanleyAngel-Eco tours and who is is a knowledgeable guide after twelve years of bringing tourists to meet the Pemón;  we venture through their homeland of Uruyen and Kavac and Kamarata, through deep canyons while viewing scenic landscape and riding over the gentle rapids in a canoe seeing the tepui mountains which appear to be like tabletops, is a vision of natural beauty and a place where you just want to stay forever.
For more information about Jimmie Anglel contact Karen Angel Archive@jimmieangel or see