Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Common Courtesy in our Techno Society

In today’s modern society, with techno advancement, dancing faster than the moment, I can’t help but wonder what’s happened to common courtesy? Social respect, in my opinion, requires a new book of etiquette since our social networking has changed the environment we live in.
I don’t find that people will hold the door to allow someone to pass through. I rarely hear “Good morning …how are you today?” I also live in New York City, and I have to take the subways. I don’t recall the last time I saw a man offer his seat to a woman. For those of you who smoke and I don’t, I find it so environmentally inconsiderate when a smoker flicks their cigarette while still burning onto the city street to continue to spread smoke into the air that I’m still breathing, cough...cough…
During morning rush hour when the subway is crowed to the max and a thin hair couldn’t be squeezed between straphangers, it amazes me how people will read their newspapers or magazines and continue to flip through the pages without a thought that the ink is now on my face!
Recently, during an intermission at a concert I decided my thirst required a sip of water. I found my way to the drinking fountain for what I used to remember was for a quick sip of water. There before me was a line of also very thirsty individuals, only they had quart size bottles to fill. I finally asked if I could just take a sip of water, the young lady in front of me said “Sure if you really must.” Possibly this requires another solution; as I find my having to wait to quench my thirst may require longer than a fifteen minute intermission.

I decided to see the recent Oscar winning movie The Artist; during the movie the man to the left of me began texting. I don’t know what was more intrusive, the light that shinned into my eyes from his phone or the striking of each key as he continued to text during a silent movie. Finally some brave soul said, “Could you please stop texting.” His reply was, “Why is it too loud?”
How many of us know what, when, where and why from listening to someone’s cell phone conversation. What happened to privacy? Do I really need to be your best friend when I don’t know you? I hear loud cell-phone conversations in the ladies room, restaurants, hallways, supermarkets, sidewalks, cabs, cars, crossing the street; is anyone paying attention, or is this just an accident waiting to happen?
Fast, just doesn’t seem fast enough, with our technologically advanced society. I for one believe we need some new rules, and another filling station for all of those who have decided to carry their own containment of water; possibly a filling station.
I once heard an expression, Courtesy is Contagious; Pass it On… I wonder about that now.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    If I am commiment on your statement(s) and I qoute " I don’t find that people will hold the door to allow someone to pass through. I rarely hear “Good morning …how are you today?” I also live in New York City, and I have to take the subways. I don’t recall the last time I saw a man offer his seat to a woman" -

    I firmly believe that the values or lack - that most are reared with have been lost for many years. As I have traveled the world - dabbled with other culutres - I find that people ( MEN) that are georgraphically dwelling in the north/northeast have no manners and/or they are extremely limited.

    Being reared in the south - one is instilled with respect - diginity - integrity - and chivalry. More importantly they live by the chivalrious triats - not as a notion but in factual terms.

    Thank you for the great read!
